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  • 陳怡如 學程主任
  • 教授
  • 國立陽明交通大學 秘書室主任祕書
  • 國立台灣大學護理學系 博士
    Public Health Nursing,University of Illinois, Chicago 碩士
    國立陽明醫學院護理學系 學士
  • 社區護理、高齡健康照護、高齡心理
  • (02)2826-7000 #67920
  • (02)2822-9973
  • 課程
  • 現職及經歷
  • 著作目錄
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國立陽明大學秘書室-主任秘書 (2017/12/26-迄今)

陽明大學校友中心-主任 (2016/01-2018/05)

國立陽明大學護理學系-教授 (2013/02-迄今)

國立陽明大學護理學系-系主任 (2011/07-2014/07)

國立陽明大學護理學系-代理系主任 (2011/04-2011/07)

國立陽明大學護理學系所-副教授 (2008/08-2013/01)

國立陽明大學學務處就業輔導組-組長 (2001/08-2003/07)

國立陽明大學護理學系-講師 (1995/10-2008/07)

新光紀念醫院護理部-副護理長 (1994/08-1995/09)

花蓮慈濟護專護理科-講師 (1993/06-1994/07)

台北榮總護理部-護士  (1990/07-1991/06)

期刊發表(使用數據:JCR edition 2014 年)

1.         Shun-Ping Cheng, Tzu-I Tsai and I-Ju Chen*. Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Place Attachment for Community-Dwelling Older Adult Scale. JOURNAL OF APPLIED GERONTOLOGY 2020; accepted(SSCI). (Impact factor: 2.248;Rank: 29.17%)https://doi.org/10.1177/0733464820907781 第三作者(通訊)作者


2.         Ying-Ling Kuo, I-Ju Chen*. Facilitating a change model in age-friendly hospital certificati09n: Strategies and effects. PLoS One 2019; 14(4):e0213496. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0213496 eCollection 2019. (SCI, Impact factor: 2.776;Rank: 34.06%)第二作者(通訊)作者


3.         SZ-CHING Lin, I-Ju Chen, Sou-I Li, Wen-Ry Yu, Tzu-I Tsai. Effect of a community-based participatory health literacy program on health behaviors and health empowerment among community-dwelling older adults: A quasi-experimental study. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING 2019; accepted: (SSCI). (Impact factor: 1.757;Rank: 20.76%)第二作者


4.          I-Ju Chen*, Shuh-Jen Sheu, Shun-Ping Cheng. The Meanings of Physical Activity for Older Adults with Leprosy: A Life Story inside the Wall. LEPROSY REVIEW 2017; 88(3):399-409 (SCI). (Impact factor: 0.541;Rank: 88.10%)第一作者/通訊作者


5.         Yu, H.Y., Tang, F.I., Chen, I.J., Yin, T.J.C., Chen, C.C., & Yu, S. Nurse Administrators’ Intentions and Considerations in Recruiting Inactive Nurses. Journal of Nursing Management 2016; 24(5):589-97 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.386;Rank: 9.58%)第三作者


6.          Ruo-Nan Jueng, Der-Chong Tsai, I-Ju Chen*. Sense of Coherence among Older Adult Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities in Taiwan: A Cross-Sectional Analysis. PLoS One 2016;:1-12 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.776;Rank: 34.06%)第一作者/通訊作者


7.          Wu, C. H, Chen , I. J., Cho, S. L. & Chiou, A. F.. The relationship between health-promoting behaviors and metabolic syndrome in community dwelling older adults. Biological Research for Nursing 2016; 18(5):549-57 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.513;Rank: 32.92%)第二作者


8.         Hung-Da Dai, Fu-In Tang, I-Ju Chen and Shu Yu. Taiwanese Version of the Work-Related Quality of Life Scale for Nurses: Translation and Validation. The Journal of Nursing Research 2016; 24:accepted (SSCI). 第三作者


9.         Pei-Ti Hsu, Pei-Hung Liao, William Chu, Shiu-Yan Yang and I-Ju Chen*. Exploration and forecasting of behaviours and factors relating to fruit and vegetable intake among seniors in the community. PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION 2015; 18(6):1052-1059 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.526;Rank: 33.60%)第一作者/通訊作者


10.     Pei-Ti Hsu, I-Ju Chen*, Jeu-Jung Chen, Cheng-Fen Chang, Shiu-Yan Yang. Using the Transtheoretical Model to Investigate Stages of Change in Regular Volunteer Service among Seniors in Community. International Journal of Social, Education, Economics and Management Engineering 2015; 9(1):160-164 (A&HCI). 通訊作者


11.     Yu, H.Y., Tang, F.I., Chen, I.J., Yin, T.J.C., Chen, C.C., & Yu, S.*. Inactive Nurses in Taiwan: Human Capital, Intention to Return to Hospital Nursing, and Incentives for Returning. Journal of Nursing Management 2015; 24(3):347-56 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.386;Rank: 9.58%)第三作者作


12.     Shun Ping Cheng, TzeFang Wang, Fu In Tang, Ngok Kiu Chu, I-Ju Chen*. The influences of highrise residence on physical activity and quality of life among older people with leprosy in a retirement community. AGEING & SOCIETY 2014; 34(1):90-105 (SSCI). (Impact factor: 1.895;Rank: 43.06%)第一作者/通訊作者


13.     Mei-Jung Chen, Shu Yu, I-Ju Chen, Kai-Wei K. Wang, Ya-Hui Lan, Fu-In Tang. Evaluation of nurses' knowledge and understanding of obstacles encountered when administering resuscitation medications. NURSE EDUCATION TODAY 2014; 34:177–184 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.442;Rank: 7.08%)第三作者


14.     Ya-Hui Lan, Kai-Wei K. Wang, Shu Yu, I-Ju Chen, Hsiang-Feng Wu, Fu-In Tang, RN,. Medication Errors in Pediatric Nursing: Assessment of Nurses’ Knowledge and Analysis of the Consequences of Errors. NURSE EDUCATION TODAY 2014; 34(5):821-828 (SSCI). (Impact factor: 2.442;Rank: 7.08%)第四作者以後作者


15.     Hui-Yun Yu, Shu Yu, I-Ju Chen, Kai-Wei K. Wang, Fu-In Tan. Evaluation of Nurses' Knowledge of Chemotherapy. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 2013; 44: (SCI). 第三作者


16.     Min-Chin Lu, Shu Yu, I-Ju Chen, Kai-Wei Wang, Hsiang-Feng Wu, Fu-In Tang. Nurse's knowledge of high-alert medications: a randomized controlled trial. NURSE EDUCATION TODAY 2013; 33 :24-30 (SSCI). (Impact factor: 2.442;Rank: 7.08%)第三作者


17.     S P Cheng, C Y Yang, F. I, Tang, I-Ju Chen*. Training Effects of a 12-week Walking Program on Parkinson Disease Patients and Community Dwelling Older Adults. NeuroRehabilitation 2013; 32 (4):967-976 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.197;Rank: 67.39%)第一作者/通訊作者


18.     Tze-Fang Wang, I-Ju Chen, I-Chuan Li. Associations between chewing and swallowing problems and physical and psychosocial health status of nursing home residents in Taiwan: a pilot study Geriatric Nursing (accepted) (SSCI: 34/87=3908%). GERIATRIC NURSING 2012; 33(3):183-193 (SSCI). (Impact factor: 1.517;Rank: 30.93%)第二作者


19.     S P Cheng, FI Tang, S Yu, I-Ju Chen*. Factors Influencing Physical Activity in Institutionalized Elderly Patients with Leprosy. Rehabilitation Nursing 2012; 37(2):88-93 (SSCI). (Impact factor: 1.367;Rank: 42.80%)第一作者/通訊作者


20.     Tzu-I Tsai, I-Ju Chen, Song-Lih Huang. Motherhood Journey Through the Eyes of Immigrant Women. WOMENS STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM 2011; 34(2):91-100 (SSCI). (Impact factor: 0.907;Rank: 57.95%)第二作者


21.     Li-Ling Wu, Shun-Ping Cheng, Nie-Sue Lee, I-Ju Chen*. 台灣不同地區漢生病病患日常生活能 力與生活品質探討 Activity of Daily Living and Life Quality of Patients With Leprosy in Taiwan . 護理雜誌 2010; 57(5):57-69 (OI). 第一作者/通訊作者


22.     Ghi-Yin Hsaio, I-Ju Chen, Shu Yu, Ien-Lan Wei, PhD, Yu-Yuan Fang & Fu-In Tang. Nurses’ Knowledge of High-alert Medications: Instrument Development and Validation. JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING 2009; 66(1):177-190 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.376;Rank: 10.42%)第二作者


23.     Shun-Ping Cheng, Tzu-I Tsai, Yun-Kung Lii, Shu Yu, Cheng-Liang Chou, I-Ju Chen*. The Effects of a 12-Week Walking Program on Community-Dwelling Elderly Adults. RESEARCH QUARTERLY FOR EXERCISE AND SPORT 2009; 80(3):524-532 (SSCI). (Impact factor: 2.032;Rank: 43.29%)第一作者/通訊作者


24.     盧純華 王子芳 陳怡如 林笑.. 以概念圖於臨床護理教學之初探. 志為護理 2008; 7(5):65-73 (OI). 第三作者


25.     I-Ju Chen, Cheng-Liang Chou , Shu Yu, Shun-Ping Cheng. Health Services Utilization and Cost Utility Analysis of a Walking Program for Residential Community Elderly. Nursing Economics 2008; 26(4):263-269 (SSCI). (Impact factor: 1.025;Rank: 69.92%)第一作者/通訊作者


26.     Ke-Wu Yao, Shu Yu, Shun-Ping Cheng, I-Ju Chen*. Relationships Between Personal, Depression, and Social Network Factors and Sleep Quality in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. The Journal of Nursing Research 2008; 16(2):131-139 (TSSCI). 第一作者/通訊作者


27.     Tze-FangWang, Chwen-Hwa Lu, I-Ju Chen, and Shu Yu. Sexual Knowledge, Attitudes, and Activity of the olderly in Taipei, Taiwan. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2008; 17(4):443-450 (SSCI). (Impact factor: 1.757;Rank: 20.76%)第三作者


28.     I J Chen, K F Yang, F I Tang, C H Huang, S. Yu. Applying the Technology Acceptance Model to Explore Public Health Nurses Intentions towards Wed-Based Learning: a Cross-sectional Research. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2008; 45(6):869-878 (SSCI). (Impact factor: 3.57;Rank: 0.42%)第一作者/通訊作者


29.     S. Yu, I. J. Chen, C. F. Yang, T. F. Wang, L. Li. A feasibility study on the adoption of E-learning for public health nurse continuing education in Taiwan. NURSE EDUCATION TODAY 2007; 27(7):755-761 (SSCI). (Impact factor: 2.442;Rank: 7.08%)第二作者


30.     Huang, C. H., I-Ju Chen, & Yu, S.. Case management for school students with chronic disease: the current situation and future direction. 護理雜誌 2005; 52(2):15-20 (OI). 第二作者


31.     I-Ju Chen, Lee, L. C., Yu,S, & Huang, L. H.. Care at School: Health Care Needs and Coping Strategies among Children Whose Mothers Are Foreign Wives. 護理雜誌 2005; 52(2):10-14 (OI). 第一作者/通訊作者


32.     I-Ju Chen., Yu, S., Wang, T. F., Cheng, S.P., & Huang, L H.. Knowledge of osteoporosis and its related factors among public health nurses in Taiwan. OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL 2005; 16:2142-2148 (SCI). (Impact factor: 3.83;Rank: 29.31%)第一作者/通訊作者


33.     I J Chen, S. P Cheng, & L. H. Huang. Trends of Exercise Training Research in Fall Prevention Programs among the elderly. 台灣公共衛生雜誌 2005; 24 (2):93-102 (OI). 第一作者/通訊作者


34.     Chen, I. J., Chen, Y. C., Huang, S. H., & Lu, C. H. The experiences of newly employed nurses when facing stress Tzu-Chi Medical Journal. 慈濟醫學 2003; 15(6):391-398 (OI). 第一作者/通訊作者


35.     Chen, I. J. & Yu, S. Fire escape of nursing home. 台灣醫學 1998; 2((5)):575-580 (OI). 第一作者/ 通訊作者


36.     Chen, I. J. The chronic pain evaluation tool for rheumatoid arthritis patients. 護理雜誌 1991;

38((2)):19-31 (OI). 單一作者





1.         鍾若男, 陳怡如, 運用夥伴關係落實臨床護理人員健康促進,第六屆海峽兩岸暨港澳地區護理高 峰論壇暨學術研討會,香港,2019


2.         I-Ju Chen, Jia-Ling Sun, Shin-Ping Huang, Wen-Chieh Liao, Shun-Ping Cheng, The threats of ageing and the effects between health promotion behaviors and frailty in older adults with chronic diseases, Nursing & Healthcare Summit 2019,Tokyo,2019


3.         陳怡如、鄭舜平、蔡慈儀, 社區高齡者地方依附之測量,高齡社會下的政策新挑戰、服務新需 求與研究新課題,台北市,2017


4.         I-Ju Chen, Shun-Ping Cheng, The influences of Social Relation and Activity Participation on Place Attachment and Health in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. The 25th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services, Vienna, Austria,2017


5.         Ruo-Nan Jueng, I-Ju Chen, The impact of horticulture activities on health of the older residents of long-term care facilities & the assessment tools: A systemic review, The 10th International Conference on Horticultural Therapy, Feng Chia University, Taichung City,2016


6.         Min-Ling Lin, I-Ju Chen, Huey-Ming Tzeng, Compare the Differences of Nurses Perceptions of Risk Factors and Effective Preventability for Injurious Falls between USA and Taiwan, The 26th International Nursing Research Congress, San Juan,2015


7.         Min-Ling Lin I-Ju Chen, Risk factors associated with falls and related injuries of patients hospitalized in a medical center in Taiwan,10th International Congress of World Federation of Critical Care Nurses,Antalya,2014


8.         Pei-Ti Hsu, I-Ju Chen, Jeu-Jung Chen, Cheng-Fen Chang and Shiu-Yan Yang, Using the Transtheoretical Model to Investigate Stages of Change in Regular Volunteer Service Among Seniors in Communit, ICSS 2015 : XIII International Conference on Social Sciences,Paris,2014


9.         Ying-Ling Kuo, I-Ju Chen Age-Friendly Hospitals prepare to medical practitioners of the knowledge and attitudes of the elderly, Sigma Theta Tau International 24th International Nursing Research Congress,Prague,2013


10.     Ruo-Nan Jueng, I-Ju Chen, Using Salutogenic Model of Health to Evaluate the Self-rated Health Status of the Elderly in the Long-term Care Facilities, Sigma Theta Tau International 24th International Nursing Research Congress,Prague,,2013


11.     Ying-Ling Kuo, I-Ju Chen, Age-Friendly Hospital staff of the influencing factors of the knowledge and attitudes of the elderly,The 21st International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services,Gothenburg,2013


12.     Ai-Fu Chiou, Chien-Huan Wu, I-Ju Chen, Health-Promoting Behavior and Metabolic Syndrome among Community Older Adults.,Sigma Theta Tau International's 23rd International Nursing Research Congress.,Australis: Brisbane.,2012


13.     Hung, Y. N., Yang, S. Y., Wang, T. C., I-Ju Chen, & Yu,S., An observation on the trend of outpatient clinic utilixation and numbers of medical precsription given in Taiwan edlerly between 1997~2010,International Society of Pharmaceoeconomics and Outcomes Research 5th Asia-Pacific Conference 2012,Taipei, Taiwan,2012


14.     Yang, S. Y., Yu,S., Chen, I. J., Wang, T. C.,Lim, L. C., & Hung, Y. N.,, Inappripriate medication use among the elderly: a population-based study of ambulatory care service,Asia Pacific Geriatrics Congerence,Taipei,2012


15.     Ruo-Nan Jueng, I-Ju Chen, Kuei.-Hsia. Hsueh, Analysis of Sense of Coherence of the Elderly in Long Term Care Institution.,the15th East Asian Forum for Nursing Scholars (EAFONS).,Signpore.,2012


16.     Ruo-Nan Jueng, I-Ju Chen, Kuei.-Hsia. Hsueh, Effect of Individualized Nursing Instruction with Health Educational Handbook on Diabetic Inpatients’ Cognition, Attitude and Self-Care Behavior,22nd International Nursing Research Congress, Cancun, Mexico,2011


17.     Shun-Ping Cheng, I-Ju Chen Cheng-Liang Chou, Fall, Fall Efficacy, and Isokinetics Strength in Older Community dwellers, The 2nd Asia-Oceanian Conference of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine,Taipei,2010


18.     I-Ju Chen, Shun-Ping Cheng, Shu Yu, Fu-In Tang, & Tze-Fang Wang, The influences of residential relocation on fall, physical activity and quality of life among older adults, Longevity, Health and Wealth:19th IAGG World Congress of Gernotology & Geriatrics,Paris,2009


19.     Yu, S., Chen, I.J., Wang, T.F., Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Bowel Function Maintenance and Bowel Problems Prevention among the Community Elderly in Taiwan.,19th International Nursing Research Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice.,Singapore.,2008


20.     Yu, S., Wang, T.F., Chen, I.J., Effects of a Two-Step Approach in Improving Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior, and the Severity of Urinary Incontinence for Community Women with Simple Urinary Incontinence.,19th International Nursing Research Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice.,Singapore.,2008


21.     Yu, S., Chen, I.J., Huang, C.H., Yu, H.I., & Yeh, M.C., Problems and health care needs regarding bowel problems among the community elderly in Taiwan., RCCCPI: Asia-Pacific Research Symposium, Gold Coast, Queensland Australia.,2008


22.     I J Chen, S P Cheng, L H Huang, YF Chiou, Y C Huang, Th models of physical activity, functional fitness, and fall among older adults in Taipei, International Conference on Healthy Aging, Taipei, Taiwan,2006


23.     I. J. Chen, S. P. Cheng., Y. H. Chou, & L. H. Huang., The influences of fall related functional fitness on fall and quality of life. .,Nursing on the move: knowledge, innovation and vitality, 23rd Quadrennial Congress 2005,,Taipei, Taiwan,2005


24.     I J Chen, Y Shu, TF Wong, SP Cheng, . Knowledge of osteoporosis and its related factors among public health nurses in Taiwan. The 7th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars. Networking in East Asia., ong-Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.,2004


25.     I.J.Chen, T.I. Chen, Y.Y. Chang, C.Y. Wu, J.J.Chen, Cardiac-Respiratory fitness associated with quality of life in older Taiwanese. ,New Era- Challenges and Innovations for improving Personal Health and Quality of life.2000 conference International Health Evaluation Association, Taipei: The Grand Hotel,2000


26.     T.I. Chen, Y.Y. Chang, C.Y. Wu, I.J. Chen, J.J.Chen, Physical activity did affect bone density of elderly population, New Era- Challenges and Innovations for improving Personal Health and Quality of life.2000 conference International Health Evaluation Association, Taipei: The Grand Hotel,2000
