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  • 林逸芬 老師
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  • 國立陽明交通大學 公共衛生學科及研究所 教授
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國立陽明大學公共衛生研究所 教授

國立陽明大學醫學系公共衛生暨醫學人文學科 教授

國立陽明大學公共衛生碩士學位學程 主任

國立陽明大學校務研究辦公室 主任

國立陽明大學健康數據統計研究資源中心 主任

國立陽明大學環境與職業務生研究所 合聘教授

國立陽明大學食品安全及健康風險評估研究所 合聘教授

國立陽明大學生技醫療經營管理碩士在職學位學程 合聘教授



國立陽明大學公共衛生研究所 所長

國立陽明大學醫學系公共衛生暨醫學人文學科 主任

國立陽明大學公共衛生研究所 副教授

國立陽明大學公共衛生研究所 助理教授

Columbia-Presbyterian 醫學中心多族群中風研究計畫 統計分析師

國立陽明大學社會醫學科 講師

學術著作網址:http://www.ym.edu.tw/~iflin/IFLinPublications.pdf *Correspondent, #Equal contribution 



1. Chuang ML, Lin IF. Investigating the relationships among lung function variables in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in men. Peer J 2019 Oct 1;7:e7829 (SCI) 


2. Tsai TH, Huang N, Lin IF, Chou YJ. Severe diabetes complications among patients with diabetes with regular follow-up: Does care setting matter? J Eval Clin Pract. 2019 Nov 6. doi: 10.1111/jep.13296. [Epub ahead of print]


3. Wang MC, Hu HY, Chuang JT, Lin IF. Plasma lipid concentrations and survival in geriatric population: A

retrospective cohort study. Medicine. 2019 (accepted) (SCI) 


4. Chuang ML, Lin IF, Hsieh MJ. More impaired dynamic ventilator muscle oxygenation in congestive heart failure than in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J Clin Med 2019 Oct 7; 8(10) (SCI)


5. Tsai TH, Huang N, Lin IF, Chou YJ. Variation in the 11-year trajectories of medical care seeking behaviors in diabetes patients under a single payer system: persisting gaps to be fillled. BMC Health Serv Res. 2019 Aug19;19(1):580 (SCI) 


6. Duong TV, Aringazina A, Kayupova G, Nurjanah, Pham TV, Pham KM, Truong TQ, Nguyen KT, Oo WM, Su TT, Majid HA, Sorensen K, Lin IF, Chuang Y, Yang SH, Chang PWS. Development and validation of a new short-form health literacy instrument (HLS-SF12) for the general public in six Asian countries. Health Lit Res Pract 2019 Apr 10:3(2):e91-e102 


7. Chuang ML, Hsieh MJ, Wu TC, Lin IF. Developing a new marker of dynamic hyperinflation in patients with obstructive airway disease – an observational study. Sci Rep 2019 May 17; 9(1):7514 (SCI)


8. Hsieh WA#, Lin IF#, Ho JH, Chang PW. Reply to ‘Comment on ‘30 years follow-up and increased risks of breast cancer and leukaemia after long-term low dose-rate radiation exposure.’’ British J Cancer 2018;Mar;118(5):e10[Epub 2018 Feb 13] (﹟Equal contribution)(SCI) 


9. Lee WJ, Liao YC, Wang YF, Lin IF, Wang SJ; Fuh JL. Plasma MCP-1 and cognitive decline in patients with Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment: a two-year follow-up study. Sci Rep 2018 Jan 19; 8(1):1280 


10. Hsieh WA#, Lin IF#, Ho JH, Chang PW. 30 years follow-up and increased risks of breast cancer and leukaemia after long-term low dose-rate radiation exposure. British J Cancer 2017 Dec 5; 117(12):1883-1887 [Epub 2017 Oct 3] (﹟Equal contribution) (SCI)


11. Chuang ML, Lin IF, Huang SF, Hsieh MJ. Patterns of oxygen pulse curve in response to incremental exercise in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - an observational study. Sci Rep 2017 Sep 7; 7(1):10929


12. Duong TV, Sorensen K, Pelikan JM, Van den Broucke S, Lin IF, Lin YC, Huang HL, Chang PW. Health-related behaviors moderate the association between age and self-reported health literacy among Taiwanese women. Women Health 2018 Jul;58(6):632-646. Epub 2017 Jul 6


13. Yen YF, Hu HY, Lee YL, Ku PW, Lin IF, Chu D, Lai YJ. Obesity/overweight reduces the risk of active tuberculosis: a nationwide population-based cohort study in Taiwan. Int J Obes. 2017 Jun;41(6):971- 975 (SCI) 


14. Darboe A, Lin IF, Kuo HW. Effort-reward imbalance and self-rated health among Gambian healthcare professionals. BMC Health Serv Res. 2016 Apr11;16(1):125(SCI)


15. Chuang ML, Lin IF, Lee CY. Clinical assessment tests in evaluating patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a cross-sectional study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Nov;95(47):e5471. (SCI) 


16. Wang MC, Lin IF*. Managing nonignorable missing data with clustered multinomial Responses. Statistical Modelling. 2015;15(6):548-563 (*Corresponding author) (SCI)


17.Chuang ML, Lee CY, Chen YF, Huang SF, Lin IF. Revisiting unplanned endotracheal extubation and disease severity in intensive care units. Plos One. 2015; Oct10(10): e0139864. (SCI)


18. Chuang ML, Wu TC, Wang YT, Wang YC, Tsao TC, Wei JC, Chen CY, Lin IF. Adjunctive Treatment with Rhodiola Crenulata in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease-A Randomized Placebo Controlled Double Blind Clinical Trial. PLoS One. 2015; Jun22;10(6):e0128142(SCI) 


19. Duong VT, Lin IF, Sorensen K, Pelikan JM, Van Den Broucke S, Lin YC, Chang WP. Health literacy in Taiwan: a population-based study. Asia Pac J Public Health. 2015; Jul;27(8):871-80. (SCI) 


20. Lin YT, Yen CH, Chen HL, Liao YJ, Lin IF , Chen M, Lan YC, Chuang SY, Hsieh SL, Chen YM. The serologic decoy receptor 3 (DcR3) levels are associated with slower disease progression in HIV1/AIDS patients. J Formos Med Assoc. 2015; Jun;114(6):498-503(SCI)


21. Yen YF, Hu HY, Lin IF, Lai YJ, Su VY, Pan SW, Ting WY, Su WJ. Associations of Metabolic Syndrome and its Components with Mortality in the Elderly: A Cohort Study of 73,547 Taiwanese Adults. Medicine (Baltimore). 2015; Jun;94(23): e956(SCI)


22. Hsu LC, Chen YJ, Hsu FK, Huang JH, Chang CM, Chou P, Lin IF*, Chang FY. The incidence of Japanese encephalitis in Taiwan--a population-based study. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2014; Jul;24;8(7):e3030 (*Corresponding author)(SCI)


23. Yen PN﹟, Lin IF﹟, Chang WP, Wang JD, Chang TC, Kuo KL, Hwang JS, Liu IC, Chen YT, Yang CC. Risk factors of depression after prolonged low-dose rate environmental radiation exposure. Int J Radiat Biol. 2014; Aug; 11:1-8 (﹟Equal contribution) (SCI) 


24. Lin IF*, Chang WP, Liao YN. Shrinkage Methods Enhanced the Accuracy of Parameter Estimation Using Cox models with Small Number of Events. J Clinical Epidemiology 2013; Jul;66(7):743-51 (*Corresponding author)(SCI)


25. Chuang ML, Lin IF. Clinical characteristics and lung function in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease complicated with impaired peripheral oxygenation. Internal and Emergency Medicine. 2013.Sept;9(6):633-40 [Epub ahead] (SCI)


26. Kang SC, Pai FT, Hwang SJ, Tsao HM, Liou DM, Lin IF. Noncancer hospice care in taiwan: a nationwide dataset analysis from 2005 to 2010. J Palliat Med. 2014; Apr;17(4):407-14(SCI) 


27. Chuang ML, Lin IF, Chen SP. Kinetics of Changes in Oxyhemoglobin Saturation During Walking and Cycling Tests in COPD. Respiratory Care. 2014; Mar;59(3):353-62. (SCI)


28. Yen PN, Yang CC, Chang WP, Wang JD, Hwang JS, Chang TC, Kuo KL, Lin IF*. Late effects on the health-related quality of life in a cohort population decades after environmental radiation exposure. International Journal of Radiation Biology 2013; Aug;89(8):639-44 (*Corresponding author) (SCI) 


29. Huang SL, Lin IF, Chen CY,Tsai TI. Impact of tobacco control policies on adolescent smoking: findings from Global Youth Tobacco Survey in Taiwan. Addiction. 2013 Oct;108(10):1829-35 (SCI) 


30. Lin YS, Lin IF, Yen YF, Lin PC, Shiu YC, Hu HY, Yang YP.Impact of an antimicrobial stewardship program with multidisciplinary cooperation in a community public teaching hospital in Taiwan. Am J Infect Control. 2013 Nov;41(11):1069-72 (SCI) 


31. Chen CY, Lin IF, Huang SL, Tsai TI, Chen YY. Disposable income with tobacco smoking among young adolescents: a multilevel analysis. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2013 Jun;52(6):724-30 (SCI) 


32. Lee PW, Ji DD, Liu CT, Rampao HS, do Rosario VE, Lin IF, Shaio MF. Application of loop-mediated isothermal amplification for malaria diagnosis during a follow-up study in São Tomé. Malaria J. 2012 Dec 6;11:408 (SCI) 


33. Chuang CM﹟, Lin IF﹟, Horng HC, Hsiao YH, Shyu IL, Chou P. The impact of gestational diabetes mellitus on postpartum urinary incontinence: a longitudinal cohort study on singleton pregnancies. BJOG. 2012 Oct;119(11):1334-43 (﹟Equal contribution) (SCI) 


34. Yu WC, Lin YP, Chuang SY, Lin IF, Chen CH. Cardiovascular determinants of prognosis in normotensive hemodialysis patients. BMC Nephrol. 2012 Sep 20; 13:115 (SCI)


35. Chuang ML﹟, Lin IF﹟, Vintch JRE, Tien EH. Using Statistical Techniques to Predict Dynamic Arterial PCO2 in COPD Patients during Maximum Exercise. Respiratory Care 2012;57(7):1106 – 1114 (﹟Equal contribution) (SCI)


36. Yen PN, Yang CC, Chang WP, Hwang JS, Lee HC, Kuo KL, Lin IF*. Perception of quality of life of a cohort population years after relocation from previous low-dose radiation exposure in Co-60 contaminated buildings in Taiwan. International Journal of Radiation Biology 2011;85(5):453-460 (*Corresponding author) (SCI)


37. Chuang PH, Chuang JH, Lin IF*. A Dynamic Estimation of the Daily Cumulative Cases during Infectious Disease Surveillance: Application to Dengue Fever. BMC Infectious diseases 2010; 10:136 (*Corresponding author) (SCI) 


38. Leu JD, Wang CY, Tsai HY, Lin IF, Chen RC, Lee YJ. Involvement of p53 R72P polymorphism in the association of MDM2-SNP309 with breast cancer. Oncology Reports. 2011 Jun;25(6):1755-63. (SCI) 


39. Hsieh WA, Lin IF, Chang WP, Chen WL, Hsu YH, Chen MS. Lens opacities in young individuals long after exposure to protracted low-dose-rate γradiation in 60CO-contaminated building in Taiwan. Radiation Research 2010;173(2):197-204 (SCI) 


40. Boden-Albala B, Kargman DE, Lin IF, Paik MC, Sacco RL, Berglund L. Increased stroke risk and lipoprotein(a) in a multiethnic community: the Northern Manhattan Stroke Study. Cerebralvascular Diseases 2010;30(3):237-43 (SCI)


41. Chuang ML, Lee CH, Lin IF. Using the Oxygen-Cost Diagram in Ramp-slope Selection for Dyspneic Patients. Internal Medicine 2010; 49: 1325-1332 (SCI) 


42. Leu JD, Lin IF, Sun YF, Chen SM, Liu CC, Lee YJ. Association between MDM2-SNP309 and hepatocellular carcinoma in Taiwanese population. World J Gastroenterol. 2009;15(44):5592-7 (SCI) 


43. Sun YF, Leu JD, Chen SM, Lin IF, Lee YJ. Results based on 124 cases of breast cancer and 97 controls from Taiwan suggest that the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP309) in the MDM2 gene promoter is associated with earlier onset and increased risk of breast cancer. BMC Cancer 2009, 9:13 (SCI) 


44. Chan TC, Chen ML, Lin IF, Lee CH, Chiang PH, Wang DW, Chuang JH. Spatiotemporal analysis of air pollution and asthma patient visits in Taipei, Taiwan. Int J Health Geogr. 2009 May 7; 8:26. (SSCI) 


45. Liao YF, Huang CS, Lin IF. Intraoral photographs for rating dental arch relationships in unilateral cleft lip and palate. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2009;46(4):415-9 (SCI) 


46. Liao YF, Lin IF. Dental arch relationships after two-flap palatoplasty in Taiwanese patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2009; 38(11):1133-6 (SCI)


45. Hwang SL, Hwang JH, Yang YT, Hsieh WA, Chang TC, Guo HR, Tsai MH, Tang JL, Lin IF*, Chang WP. Estimates of relative risks for cancers in a population post prolonged low dose-rate radiation exposure: a follow-up assessment from 1982 to 2005. Radiation Research 2008;170:143-148 (*Corresponding author) (SCI) (Supported by NSC 95-2314-B-010-012) 


46. Hsu PF, Yu WC, Lin IF, Lin YP, Chuang SY, Cheng HM, Chen CH. Differential effects of age on carotid augmentation index and aortic pulse wave velocity in end-stage renal disease patients. J Chin Med Assoc 2008; 71(4):166-173.(SCI)


47. Chuang ML, Lin IF, Vintch JRE, Liao YF. Predicting Continuous Positive Airway Pressure from a Modified Split-Night Protocol in Moderate to Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome. Internal Medicine 2008; 47(18):1585-92 (SCI)


48. Lin IF*, Lai MY, Chuang PH. Analysis of Matched Case-Control Data with Incomplete Strata: Applying Longitudinal Approaches. Epidemiology 2007;18(4):446-452. (SCI) (Supported by NSC 92- 2320-B-010-045)


49. Chou YJ, Huang N, Lin IF, Deng CY, Tsai YW, Chen LS, Lee CH. Do physicians and their relatives have a decreased rate of cesarean section? A 4-year population-based study in taiwan. Birth 2006;33(3):195-202(SCI)


50. Chuang SY, Chou P, Hsu PF, Cheng HM, Tsai ST, Lin IF, Chen CH. Presence and progression of abdominal obesity are predictors of future high blood pressure and hypertension. Am J Hypertens 2006;19(8):788-95(SCI)


51. Chuang ML, Lin IF, Vintch JRE, Ho HJ, Chao SW, and Ker JJW. Significant exercise-induced hypoxemia with equivocal desaturation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Internal Medicine Journal 2006;36(5)294-301(SCI )


52. Yu WC, Lin YP, Lin IF, Chuang SY, Chen CH. Effect of ramipril on left ventricular mass in normotensive hemodialysis patients. American J Kidney Disease. 2006;47(3):478-84. (SCI) 


53. Chuang ML,Chuang DCC, Lin IF, Vintch JRE, Tsao TCC. Ventilation and Exercise Performance after Phrenic Nerve and Multiple Inter-costal Nerve Transfers for Avulsed Brachial Plexus Injury. Chest 2005;128:3434-3439(SCI)


54. Chuang ML, Lin IF, Vintch JRE. Comparison of estimated and measured maximal oxygen uptake during exercise testing in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Internal Medicine Journal 2004;34(8):469-74. (SCI)


57. Lin IF, Chuang ML, Liao YF, Chen NH, Li HY. Predicting effective continuous positive airway pressure in Chinese patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. J. of the Formosan Medical Association. 2003;102:215-21 (SCI) (Supported by NSC 91-2320-B-010-088)


58. Chuang ML, Lin IF, Tsai YH, Vintch JRE, Pang LC. The utility of open lung biopsy in patients with diffuse pulmonary infiltrates as related to respiratory distress, its impact on decision making by urgent intervention, and the diagnostic accuracy based on the biopsy location. J Intensive Care Med 2003;18:21-28.


59. Jacobs BS, Boden-Albala B, Lin IF, Sacco RL. Stroke in the young in the northern Manhattan stroke study. Stroke 2002;33(12):2789-983 (SCI)


60. Lin IF, Paik MC. Matched case-control data analysis with selection bias. Biometrics 2001;57:1106- 1112 (SCI)


61. Chuang ML, Lin IF, Wasserman K. The body weight-walking distance product as related to lung function, anaerobic threshold and peak in COPD patients. Respiratory Medicine 2001;95(7):618-26 (SCI)


62. Sacco RL, Boden-Albala B, Abel G, Lin IF, Elkind M, Hauser WA, Paik MC, Shea S. Race-ethnic disparities in the impact of stroke risk factors: the northern Manhattan stroke study. Stroke 2001 32(8):1725-31(SCI)


63. Sacco RL, Benson RT, Kargman DE, Boden-Albala B, Tuck C, Lin IF, Cheng JF, Paik MC, Shea S, Berglund L. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol and ischemic stroke in the elderly: the Northern Manhattan Stroke Study. JAMA 2001; 285(21):2729-35 (SCI)


64. Ho SJ, Lin IF, Chuang ML, Lin CS, Lin MC, Tsao TCY. Comparison of lactate threshold using plasma and whole blood lactate during a ramppattern exercise in dyspneic patients. J. Thoracic Medicine. (In Chinese) 2001; 16:80-88. 


65. Paik MC, Sacco RL and Lin IF. Bivariate binary data analysis with missing outcomes. Biometrics 2000; 56:1145-1156 (SCI)


66. Elkind MS, Lin IF, Grayston JT, Sacco RL Chlamydia pneumoniae and the risk of first ischemic stroke : The Northern Manhattan Stroke Study. Stroke 2000;31(7):1521-5. (SCI)


67. Rundek T, Mast H, Hartmann A, Boden-Albala B, Lennihan L, Lin IF, Paik MC, Sacco RL Predictors of resource use after acute hospitalization: the Northern Manhattan Stroke Study. Neurology. 2000 Oct 24;55(8):1180-7. (SCI)


68. Phillips GB, Tuck CH, Jing TY, Boden-Albala B, Lin IF, Dahodwala N, Sacco RL Association of hyperandrogenemia and hyperestrogenemia with type 2 diabetes in Hispanic postmenopausal women. Diabetes Care. 2000;23(1):74-9. (SCI)


69. Sacco RL,Elkind M, Boden B, Lin IF, Kargman DE, Hauser WA,Shea S,Paik MC. The protective effect of moderate alcohol consumption on Ischemic stroke. JAMA 1999; 281:53-60 (SCI) 

70. Mast H, Thompson JL, Lin IF, Hofmeister C, Hartmann A, Marx P, Mohr JP, Sacco RL. Cigarette smoking as a determinant of high-grade carotid artery stenosis in Hispanic, black, and white patients with stroke or transient ischemic attack. Stroke 1998 May;29(5):908-12 (SCI)


71. Sacco RL, Gan R, Boden B, Lin IF, Kargman DE, Hauser WA, Shea S, Paik MC Leisure-time physical activity and ischemic stroke risk: the Northern Manhattan Stroke Study. Stroke 1998 Feb;29(2):380-7 (SCI)


72. Kargman DE, Tuck C, Berglund L, Lin IF, Mukherjee RS, Thompson EV, Jones J, Boden-Albala B, Paik MC, Sacco RL. Lipid and lipoprotein levels remain stable in acute ischemic stroke: the Northern Manhattan

Stroke Study. Atherosclerosis 1998 Aug;139(2):391-9 (SCI) 


3. Sacco RL, Roberts K, Boden B, Gu Q, Lin IF, Kargman DE, Berglund L, Hauser WA, Shea S, Paik MC. Race-Ethnicity and Determinants of Carotid Atherosclerosis in a Multiethnic Population The Northern Manhattan Stroke Study. Stroke. 1997; 28:929-935 (SCI) 


74. Lan CF, Lin IF, Wang SJ. Fluoride in drinking water and the bone mineral density of women in Taiwan. Int J Epidemiol 1995 Dec;24(6):1182-7 (SCI)

陽明大學院級傑出教師(2019), 陽明大學全英文課程教學典範教授(2019)
陽明大學醫學系優良教師 (2003,2004, 2005, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012),陽明大學優良教師(2008)
